Saturday, October 18, 2008

A veritable lake of fry sauce

I was driving with my friend today. We had both gotten some lunch. Me a humongous falafel pita from the Pita Pit and my friend a burger, fries and malt from the Malt Shoppe. My friend filled up at least half way full a water cup with fry sauce (is there an AA meeting for that?). And I am thinking, "Oh no, that fry sauce is going to end up all over my car. I just know it. All over. "

So speaking to the fry sauce and the large malt I say, "Hey the rule is you have to stay upright. No spilling here, alright?" Unfortunately, my car is old enough that I don't have any reliable cup holders.

Well two minutes later I hear my friend say something to the effect of, "Oh @#$$#!" Gah, you guessed it. There it was. The fry sauce cup tipped over on my seat. The pink stuff leaking down the crack in between my seats. Yes, a veritable lake of fry sauce. EEEWWWW!!!!! Did it have to be fry sauce? I mean really. Why couldn't it have been the malt. At least my car would smell like raspberries instead of nasty fries. She cleaned it up the best she could, but the lake dribbled down into cracks that are very hard to reach. Blech blech blech. Oh well, I guess I can change the name of my car from Magnolia to Fry Sauce. She is no small fry I tell you. Though you could say she is one fry short of a happy meal. But in the end she is saucey. Ok, I am done. I am sure the smell will fade. Now to look for the fry sauce annonymous meetings.


Summer said...

You poor thing. :( Yick. Maybe it's better than the malt, though. Milk based stuff is like category 5 smell-bad. And it never leaves...

Huh. I wonder what new exciting smells you are in for...

Sahara said...

Ew good point about the milk-based stuff.