Sunday, October 12, 2008


I did it. I ran a 5k on Sat. morning and it was snowing. Well it snowed for part of the race. But even though it was cold, and cold and colder I ran 3 miles on Sat. morning. 3 miles! Every time I think about it, I smile.

So here's the story. As you know I have been working for a long time to run this 5k. I have always wanted to run like this. It felt like a dream was coming true. And it was a lot of hard work and patience. Well Friday night, the night before the race I start to feel sick. Sick! Gah, I couldn't run if I were sick! My head hurt. My body was aching like I had the flu. My nose was starting to drip down my throat. I was kind of devastated. After all of that work, I might not be able to run. So I herbed myself up, took a long bath, went to bed early and prayed that I would feel good in the morning.

My friends a miracle occurred. I woke up the next morning feeling ok, not great, but ok. Drove down to the race thinking that at least I would support my friends and family that were also running the race. But as I was driving, I kept feeling better and better. By the time I got to the race I felt quite good enough to run! It was a miracle I tell you. You see about 6 hours or so after the race was done, I felt very much sick again. It was like someone pushed the pause button on my sickies so I could run. I know, you could say that I got sick again because I ran 3 miles out in the cold. But it didn't feel that way. It felt like someone was watching over me and my dreams. That someone bigger than myself cared.

So I ran. My Dad and brother were there running with me. My two good friends came and also ran. I felt so supported and loved. I ran. I wasn't the fastest. I wasn't the slowest. I was just me. People along the edge of the roads cheered us on. Someone even yelled out, "Go number 613!" I had to look down at my bib to remember it was me. I only stopped if I had to stretch out my hip, but other than that I ran the whole time.

And it was intoxicating. The breathing, the rhythm of the my legs, the cold, the warmth spreading out from my muscles, the other runners around me, the encouragement coming from the crowd and the other runners, the speed, the determination, all of it intoxicating. It reminded me how beautiful humans can be and the beauty they can create.

We forgot to get pictures of us actually at the race, but here are some of my t-shirt, bib and result card. Apparently, my lovely laptop camera reverses the image so you will have to use your mighty super-powers to read anything.

I'm definitely addicted and am considering running another race in two weeks. :D Maybe in the spring I will run a 10k, or even....even....a half-marathon.

(On a side note, I guess I will take down my counter that counted the days left until my first 5k, and my flying shoes pictures. I'm reluctant. Maybe I will leave up the pictures.)


Summer said...

Aaaahhh!!! So freaking coooool!!! You did it!!! I'm so inspired. Wow- heaven was lookin' out for ya, huh?! Must have been important, this run. So cool!!!!

and AUGURI. ;D

Summer said...

Wow- about the emergency chocolate- that makes a lot of sense, actually. Huh. I've never thought of that. I've thought- yeah- you need sugar and sweetners do your food is actally palatable, but I didn't think of actually preparing for the stress itself. How enlightening.

Sahara said...

Grazie grazie grazie! :)

I know, I first heard about comfort food from this emergency guy that was also talking about having stuffed animals and blankets for your kids or someone else's kids. It makes sense.

karlee said...

hey! there is a 5k this saturday that goes to support stephanie and christian nielson (read their story at or but yeah i'm doing it and just thought i'd let you know! there's also turkey trots and all that good stuff.. 5ks that donate the race fees to good causes -- what better than a good run and a good cause!?

Sahara said...

Hey Karlee that sounds cool. I think I want to run it. Do you want to meet up? Or I will just see you there. Cool! Here is a link that is more specific about the race if anyone is interested.

Unknown said...

That's awesome - I'm very proud of you!! Good luck going forward - how funny that both of us started similar goals this summer with awesome results!

Ann Graves Matthews said...

WOW!!!! GOOD JOB!!!! What a GREAT story! You are nothing short of inspiring!

Sahara said...

:D Thanks!

Hey Mark, I didn't know you read my And I didn't know that you had similar goals. That sounds cool, tell me more. :)

Vanessa Swenson said...

congrats! i always thought there was a runner inside you somewhere.

Sahara said...

It's been in my big toe this whole time Vanessa.

Vanessa Swenson said...

huh. i'm gonna have to figure out what's going on in my big toe.