I have this great friend, who happens to also be my guitar teacher since she is AMAZING at the guitar. She rocks. She's pretty much...the jam. Now at this point you might be thinking that she is my new love affair, but no. No it is not my stellar, fantabulous friend but one of the music groups she stashed on my iPod like four months ago. I wasn't really paying attention as she listed off groups and asked if I wanted some of their music. I would just nod and say something affirmative. I didn't recognize half of their names, and was feeling a little stupid because I didn't recognize half of their names. So I said, "Hell ya, give me some that too. Yeah, sounds good. Love it."
Well yesterday I decided to break out of my usual Switchfoot mold (my most recent addiction) and listen to something new. I scrolled down and saw Dashboard Confessional. The name intrigued me and I pushed play. Well needless to say, I haven't listened to much but them since. I'm in love. Scandalously in love. Then I looked them up on the internet today and discovered that the main singer is hawwt (hot) to boot. Can't get much better than this for one of those music crushes where you will probably never actually meet them in person.
But their music....the lyrics...the way the tempo, dynamics and notes augment what is being said. I can't get enough. Let me share with you my current (heh heh that will be funny in just a moment) favorite song:
It is entitled Currents (see...get it? Ok, it wasn't that funny).
The air is visible around you
Rising up and off your lips
In slow currents
And I watch
As your face is framed in it’s
Slow currents
Drifting curls, a trailing path
A long drag becomes
A tress of blue and ash
If it is born in flames
Then we should let it burn
Burn as brightly as we can
If it’s got to end
Then let it end in flames
Let it burn all the way down
The air is visceral around us
Turning in its simple steps
On slow currents
And I watch
As it pirouettes and spins
In slow motion
A long drag comes
A slow dance
In a halo of ember
If it is born in flames
Then we should let it burn
Burn as brightly as we can
If it’s got to end
Then let it end in flames
Let it burn all the way down
All the way down
And if this is ever meant to end
Then I hope it ends where it began
So hot with love we burned our hands
If this is ever meant to end
Then I hope it ends where it began
So hot with love it burns our hands
If it is born in flames
Then we should let it burn
Burn as brightly as we can
If it's got to end
Then let it end in flames
Let it burn (Let it burn)
If it’s got to end (Let it burn)
If it’s got to end (Let it burn)
It ends where it began
So hot with love
It burns our hands
Gah, those words are beautiful. Now, I highly recommend checking out the song somewhere because the music brings out a tone in the words that might not be apparent from just a read. It hints at those times when you are so into someone that time and space seem to slow down and eddy around you, that your hearts seems to vibrate together and you can communicate with each other without speaking. It hints at those vibrant vibrant times that become unforgettable. Mmmm I think I need another listen. Peace out.