Sunday, November 23, 2008

Little Boys and Vacuums

I have noticed that all of my nephews like vacuums. The two I see the most often LOVE vacuums. Whenever I turn on the vacuum at my sister's house my one little nephew is riveted. Can't take his eyes off the thing. Starts to follow me around. It is almost like the vacuum has some magical Pied Piper quality or something.

Here is a picture of my cute nephew Andrew again. With a something that sure looks like a vacuum. And from the look on his face you know he just wants to take it apart and see how it works.

And speaking of his cuteness here is another picture that I just got from their weekly email. Oh, I just can't stand it.

And last but not least....


Summer said...

So after you vaccuum, they actually get onto the floor to check your work? How rude. ;)

Huh- my girls scream and run whenever we turn the vaccuum on. And Zach laughs. And I scold him not to turn it on right behind them while they're watching TV.

Sahara said...

My niece screamed and ran too. Mmmm...interesting.

imemary said...

Bethany's no dummy...She knows that it's always Michelle who wields the vacuum and that she won't stay little forever.

Sahara said...

Oh that is funny and probably very accurate...